Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Scent of A Woman

Scent of Woman. Awwhhh, newest drama of Lee Dong Wook! Junsu JYJ pun ada. MUST watch this. Okay, done set reminder -> Scent of Woman on SBS One HD – 9.10 pm :>

-> About a woman, Lee Yeon Jae, is given the grim prognosis that she only has a short time left to live. She decides to quit her job at a travel agency and live her life to the fullest.

 Okay, so sweet >< RIndu Izzat lahhh Haha dok sabit :D Weheee, mmg rindu Izzat pun. Hensem hensem Lee Dong Woook pun, tak boleh kalahkan rindu aku dekat Izzat :p Hope aku tak terpukau tengok cerita ni Hahaha.

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

Monday, November 28, 2011

Siap :>

Okay, done! Sakit pinggang aku, auchhh! Haha –‘
Without your help, Iza Cweet! Kau uruskan laundry and bilik aku, okay lah. 
Thank youuu :> 
My mom masak sup belut for the first time. Hmm, sedap ke? Mcm mana rasa?
Err. Mcm AGAK geli je? Well, kena try. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim :)

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

Housework .

Okay baby, let's startin :D

Start apa? Emmm, aku rasa nak kemas rumah je harini. Daah lama tak berbakti untuk rumah aku ni haa Haha. Me? Pemalas? Yes sometime. Errr, haha dua tiga hari ni, rasa rajin lah pulak. Izzat kerja penat2, takkan aku duduk rumah ni just tunggu izzat text aku? Better aku buat something dekat rumah ni, takdelah jadi macam rumah nenek kebayan :D Okay jom Izzah. Nak start dari mana dulu? 

-> clear kan lantai and sapu.
-> vacuum carpet.
-> mop! Okay, lama tak buat -__-
-> Lap meja and almari.
-> Put away clean laundry.
-> Do the dishes.
-> Clean the kitchen.
-> Clean myy badrooooom :>
-> then, err, nanti lah fikir.

#Perlu ke aku tulis semua ni --' Hihi gediknya lah :* Okay dahdah. Bye :*

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Tadi hang dengan Iza & Farhan tgk cerita Misteri Jalan Lama. Nak tgk Twilight : Breaking Dawn, full –‘ Aku Bukan Tomboy, Farhan taknak tengok. Err, ruin betul fahan ni -__-

Okay, agak best, agak seram, agak bodoh n agak lawak :D Part2 dia pakai baju kononnya badan six-pack and kapal atas darat memang lawak n also dia punya ‘pahlawan2 bunian’. Macam merepek je. Okay, apa apa lah –‘ Btw, terserempak dengan Farah Afiqah, Amira Jamaluddin and Mirul Solihin. Kau tak tegur pun farah? Mira? Hahaha. Macam manalah nak buat reunion gini? :D Senyap sunyi lah ye? Janggal pulak rasa :D Ouh andddd I met Nani Khairuddin, Dalila Eeya and Eyna Khairuddin. Nani stay Kuantan rupanya sebulan ni. Kerja woo :>

Btw, tadi aku makan dekat Sri Alfa ECM. Time bayar, abang tu kasi aku balance rm 1.85. Bila aku tengok resit, balance yang sebenar -> rm 8.15. Banyak jugak tu beza -__- Then aku Tanya dia. Pekerja2 dekat situ semua gelakkan abang tadi. Abg tu dgn gelabahnya, amilk semula duit tu n mintak maaf. Time abang tu nak tukar balance, pekerja lagi sorang tanya aku ;
Pekerja : Cuti sekolah kan dik?
Aku : Haah, cuti sekolah.
Pekerja : Ohh, sekolah lagi. Tengok abg ni (yang kasi aku balance duit), tengah cuti belajar dekat UIA. Hensem tapi otak? Haha. Dik, nanti dah habis sekolah, jangan masuk UIA ye. Tengok abang ni, belajar dekat UIA tapi tak reti nak mengira.
Aku : HAHAHA, insyaAllah :D
Abang cashier : HA-HA-HA jangan lah! malu malu. Sorry ye, datang lagi jangan takut pulak. Haha
Haha, kesian dia LOL, sabit ke UIA. Buruk nama UIA tuu :D Btw, mood aku bagus sangat hari ni sebab mood Izzat pun macam tu :D Hahaha. Mood aku tereffect oleh mood izzat? Yeah, I think so. Sukanya bila dia ceria Hahaha.

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

Your presence in my life brings wonderful smiles and loving thoughts within my heart.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I think about you a lot.

##Ignore the picture
I always wonder what your doing when we aren’t talking. I think and wonder where you are, and who you’re with. When I’m lonely, you’re always the first thought in my head. You pop up in my head at the most random times. But with these thoughts, they’re “what if’s…” I get worried and I always question myself. Still, i'm waiting for you here :*

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

Friday, November 18, 2011

picca :D

You know what? Aku takkan upload gambar aku dgn VC aku :D Ada orang cakap, kalau masuk gambar dgn bf dekat mana2 website, maybe takkan kekal sebab tak semestinya semua orang doakan pasangan tu kekal. Mesti ada yang doakan sebaliknya. Orang cakap lahh, aku just berhati hati :> But kalau dia nak aku masukkan, aku sedia menurut perintah :D Ehh, dia takkan suruh laa. Kan? :D

Hihi, dapat jumpa AWAK kejap petang tadi pun dah kira okayyy, lagipun dekat sekolah pun dah jumpa :3 Lepas ni 1 bulan maybe tak jumpa.  Iza je lah yang teman aku. Errr, kene tengok muka kau je? Takut pulak aku :D Kau kuat meroyan kan disebabkan FARHAN :D Nasib baiklah farhan datang tadi. Whoot whoooott, John pandang korang! :D Jeles lettewww. Haha. Kay lah, nak teman Iza tengok gerak khas. Bakal polis niii my cousin :D
Tomorrow, away to Kelantan~ Errr, bye Izzat Mukmin :’( Imissyoualready! Missyoumissyou! Loveyouloveyou :*

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

Thursday, November 17, 2011

School, the last for 2011 :'>

Esok last day sekolah? Cepatnya masa berlalu -___- Tomorrow, must come! Dah diperintahkan oleh Sitikaimirainina Haha. But selsema pulak sekarang ni. Kalau teruk, tak pergi lah kot esok mcm yang izzat suruh. DIa pun balik, gi sekolah esok. Hope selsema aku tak terukk :> Nak jumpa diaa.

Haaaaaaa! Maybe sebulan lagi result PMR keluar. Aku just doakan yag terbaik :)

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

Sunday, November 13, 2011

You always full of surprise :*


Haha, you know how I want to describe you this time? ‘NAUGHTY BOY’ but in the same time, ‘SWEET GUY’. Haha. Ohh pandai ehh? Konon tak dapat cuti, takboleh nak balik Kuantan. Konon ada dekat kem. Errrrrr, dah buat aku frust tak dapat jumpa dia, fikir tak dapat jumpa pun dah sedih. Alik alik menipu je rupanya. Nak kasi surprise? Memang surprise. Haih marah ni. Hihi no lahh, act I loikeeee (Y) Haha:D Thank you for the surprise. I’m so happy to see you  ^^ Your smile, awwwwww. You melted me! ~ Haha. Iloveyou lahhh Izzat Mukmin! Thank you again. Tak rugi syg keluar even duit membazir beli tiket cerita The Adventures of Tintin : Secret of The Unicorn. Sorry Mira n Aimi. Well, aku kasi peluang untuk korang date. Haha, padahal aku yang nak date :D Takpelahh, wayang tolak tepi dulu. Asalkan dapat lepak lepak dgn b :* Btw, comel sangat sangat sangat kalau Izzat sebut ‘saya’ Hahaha. DIa jarang sebut ‘saya’. Comel pulak bila dia sebut :D LOL Haha.

I wish I could have another day with you :’) But still, thank you for today :*

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

I am S O R R Y :|

Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. I always make you start the conversation. I’m sorry I can’t start the conversation. I’m sorry I always out of topic and can’t find any topic to talk to you. Ahhh :’( I’m sorry but.. my mind goes blank when I heard your voice. I feel like I just want to hear you voice, Hihi okay that’s so so so selfish :3 Hmm,  will you get bored of me someday? I’m afraiiddddd. Okay, I'm going crazaayyyy. I can’t stop thinking about you. I really really miss you. I want to meet you. Truely, I want you here by my side.  And… I’m sorry if I’m not here when you come back from Pekan. There is a lot to be sorry. Hmm, I’m sorry :’(

**Blogger², sorry aku meroyan pagi pagi buta nii. Hihi :3 Faham tak? Aku just tulis je. Sorry kalau ada spelling or grammar error. Haa, see? Banyak menda yang aku nak cakapSORRY’ -__- Sorry. 

Btw, he gives me some good advice today. Yeah, I like! That’s why I love him :* He said ‘ Walau apa pun, tolong utamakan family syg sebelum b. And kawan kawan sayang sebelum b. Sebab selama ni, dyorang lah ada dengan syg susah dan senang.’ A good advice right? Izzat, that was so nice of you. I will remember that. You know what? I chose the right guy and that guy is you Hihi. Iloveyouu. Thank you :’)

Mom & Dad , Familiaaaa , SITIKAIMIRAININA , Ibrah , Intan & Syakirah
I’m sorry if I always let you down, make you sad or angry. I’m sorry for everything I had done to you guys. But one thing you should remember, ILOVEYOUGUYS.

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

Friday, November 11, 2011

It's all about you - McFly

Taktahu kenapa aku asyik layan lagu ni sekarang :D Tapi, best kan lagu ni? B, best kan? It’s all about you!:* Hihi. Btw, happy aku dapat otp dgn my VC. Last night otp dgn dia. Thank Allah, dia happy je dekat sana :D Ada Adri, Qus n Adi. Mana tak happy nya. Tergelak besar je dia dekat sana melayan kepala diorang :D Hari first pun macam macam dah dia buat. Haha. Haish, pasal motor tu, please bawak motor elok elok lain kali! Sekarang dah lah bnayak kemalangan. Don’t make me worry, don’t u ever do that again. Okay? T_T But still, I’m glad that you were just fine there :) Ehh b, apa nii. Kata nak kejutkan syg pukul 10.30 pagi? 11.30 pagi pulak awak gi kejutkan. haha. Sokay. Thanks. Loveyou

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I did three things today; miss you, miss

 you, and miss you.

IZZAT MUKMIN <--  Sumpah aku rindu diaaa, last jumpa dia, Sabtu lepas time hang out :’(  Hmm, hari ni dia dah start kerja dekat kem plkn semarak ayah dia. Kalau aku sempat jumpa dia, sumpah tak rindu gini gaya. Tapi tak sempat dia baru comfirm masuk kerja semalam. Awalanyaa. Semalam aku dekat kl lagi, hari ni baru aku balik Kuantan. Berair mata aku T__T. Mak aku Tanya, aku senyap. Ayah aku? Pandang semacam. Haha, biarlahh. Anak abg aku tanya kenapa, aku peluk je dia. Caring jugak budak 3 tahun ni :’D B, kalau syg tahu, syg tak gi kl haritu. Tapii, ank abg syg jugak yang masuk wad. So, pergilah. B cakap apa? Kalau syg tak pergi, nanti kalau syg sakit, tak de org nak melawat syg. Kan? Syg ingat tuu. Ehhh, aku rasa aku dah gilaa lahhh, sebab aku memang rindu dia gila gila :D Haha. Hmm. Kau ingat senang aku nak bahagia mcm ni? Berapa lama aku tunggu dia. Sekarang aku dah dapat VC aku, memang tak terkata lah bahagia tu. Only Allah knows how I feel. Sekarang, dia dah jauh. Hmm, yes. Aku tahu dia kerja dekat Pekan je pun. But still, maybe paling kerap boleh jumpa pun 1 minggu, sekali. Dia just balik Kuantan hujung minggu. Tadi, aku duduk luar rumah, aku pandang dekat bahagian tepi rumah aku. Damn, teringat time Izzat kasi sandwich tu dekat aku :’D Tadi pun sampai sampai je Kuantan, lalu dekat Rstoran Kg. Tengah. Double damn, teringat yang aku Nampak izzat time aku baru balik dari kl 2 minggu lepas kot. Time tu dia cakap tak aci, aku je Nampak dia, dia tak Nampak aku. So dia lalu depan rumah byebye dgn senyuman dia yang mencairkan tuuu :) Dah tgk gambar dia and gambar kitorang berulang ulang kali, but, still rindu :’(

*Waiitttt, aku tak boleh macam ni. Yes, aku boleh rindu dia :’D But aku tak boleh sedih sedih. Rite? Dia bukannnya tak contact aku. Contact aku, texting like always, even tak ber’fb’ dgn dia dahh :) So, smile lah SITI AMIRAH. Bukannya VC kau tu tak balik kan? Dia pergi kerja, bukan pergi main. Errr, I hope so. Sebab ada Adri dia tuu :DD Takut tak jadi kerja je Haha. Buat kerja kay b? Jangan main je dgn Adri tuu. Buat kerja elok elok. Jangan menggatal! Haha, okay I know you are not that kind of man. Iloveyou my Izzatpermatapujaanhati :* I already miss you and I’m gonna miss you more and more! :’) I'LL WAIT FOR YOUEnjoy you work :*

Btw Izah Osman, aku sukaa status kauu (Y)
-> Kerinduan itu mengajar kita erti Kesabaran :')

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Ahhhh, ILoveyouuuuuu ♥

Wahhhh, happy! Happy! Happy! Happy! ^^
Ehh aku happy lahhh ^^ Happy!^^ Haha. Gila dohhh. Hehe. Happy^^
Hee, malas nak cerita apa apa. Yang penting aku happy ^^ Hihi.

B buat syg terharu, gembira n seronok sangat sangat. Tahu tak? Hihi Thank you b Iloveyou my Izzatpermatapujaanhati :*

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

I wrote your name in the sky,
but the wind blew it away.
I wrote your name in the sand,
but the waves washed it away.
I wrote your name in my heart,
and forever it will stay. ♥

Friday, November 04, 2011

Iza Cweet oh Iza Cweet --'

SUMPAH KAU GILA! SUMPAH! Hahaha. Errrrr, serabut otak dahhh aku dengan kau. Sumpah serabut! Farhan baru je buat baik sikit, kau dah jadi gila kan? Over excited. Over sangat sangat xD Menari macam orang gila,  terguling atas katil akuu yang ‘over queen’ ni  sampai nak roboh, nak gigit aku lahh, menjerit jerit macam puntianak, cakap dengan suara toyol kau tu! Errr, macam macam lahhh >:( Haih kauu ni, aku dah tak larat dahh . Hantu kak Limah pun tak gila macam kau tahu tak? Haihhhhhhhh, sakitnya lah jiwa tengok kau ni. Rasa nak sepak kau shuhh shuhhh dari rumah aku ni Haih –‘ Aku rasa lah kan, kalau Farhan nampak perangai kau macam ni, comfirm 100% dia cabut larii. Takde dah nak pujuk rayu ke muu Hihi. Kau stop boleh tak? Ohh, aku terjerit jerit sikit disebabkan hubby handsome aku pun kau dah marah aku. Siap cakap ‘ jangan over excited boleh tak?’. Ni mai chek nak habak maii, KAU JANGAN OVER EXCITED BOLEH TAK? Heee, bongok bongok bongok. Sayang kauuuu

Errr, adoii. Dia nyanyi lagu mr. lonely dgn suara katak lah pulak –‘

Haha, stress aku gini. B, tolonggggg. xD

Nurul Izzah Mohd Din dah sewel tahap gaban. Haih, muahh sikit :* err –‘

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Dah lah.

Apa pesan awak?

  • Jgn tipu dia
  • Jgn tggl kan dia
  • Jgn curang ngn dia
  • Sebab dia kan perfect untuk awk kan ?
  • So
Jaga lah dia baik baik :)

Okay, Saya takkan tipu dia. Saya takkan tinggalkan dia. Saya takkan curang dengan dia. Saya akan jaga dia elok elok. Jangan risau lah. Saya sayang dia. Awak tuu, awak cakap takkan happy? Nope, oneday you will find someone that can make you happy. But seriously that person will never be me :) Saya pun mana ada happy kan awak selama ni. Heyy, life must go on lahh. Jangan cakap macam tu lagi kay? Just enjoy your life. Saya tahu saya salah. But still, tak de gunanya awak macam ni. Dah lah. Ingat ni, be happy lah Azri ! :) Saya pun happy dengan dia :)

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

Izzat's status :

I'm Selfish, But 0nly Because I Want You For myself. I Get Jealous Easily, but 0nly Because I Want To Be The 0nly 0ne Around You. I Don't Want Any 0ther Guys To Be With You, 0nly Because I'm Afraid 0f Losing You. SIZ ♥

Damn, iloveit. Iloveit when you're selfish just because you want me for yourself. Iloveit when you get jealous easily just because you want to be the only one around me. Iloveit when you don't want any other guys to be with me only because you're afraid of losing me. SIZ

Hee. A N D ..

I love your self selfishness, your jealousy, and your desire that you don't want any other guys to be with me. It makes me smile because I feel the same too! :') In my mind, I just want you, to be with you and I don't ever want to lose you again. SIZ

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

Now, I found someone who makes me feel like the wait was worth it. And I'm happy that I know why it never worked out with anyone else. Just with you ♥

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Poseidon :>

My Siwon :D Haha. Terlepas tengok banyak episode. Nurul Izzah Mohd Din, kau kene teman aku tengok cerita ni. Daripada episode 1 sampai lah episode 14 sekarang . Haha. Dengar kata kayy cik kak? Nak milo ais tak ? Haih, setakat --' Ahh, lantak lahh :) Cerita Pasta kau tu next time kay ^^

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

Yesterday, 1.11.11 :')

1.11.11. Ehhhhh. Semalam aku open balik blog  sebab really really really good things happened to me. Aku dah tak payah nak sorok apa apa dah. Mehhh, nak cerita mehh :>

1.11.11 and you are the 1 in my heart. Forever! 
Izzat Mukmin
he is my -> Vanilla Cupcake | Siz 
After 1 year, 5 months and 3 days, you are mine back :’)
Thanks for loving me.
Thanks for coming back to my life and make me feel alive again ^^
Thanks for coulouring my world again.
I really really love you, b

i will always love you. always.
I hope I can describe all my thanks to you and my love to you.
It just make me cry. Because I never thought of this :')

You know what? It’s feel like my dreams come true. Ehh wait! My dreams really comes true Hihi :*

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

every time he smiles at me, or anything.. my heart melts. the best thing is when you get butterflies in your stomach like when you’re about to cry. and not out of sadness, but because you’re so happy with life. i am fucking in love him. i swear he’s gods gift to earth. i’ve killed to be this happy for so long. finally. i feel worth something. i don’t know what i would do without him.