Wednesday, August 24, 2011

buka puasa

Buka puasa aritu best :) But SITIKAIMIRAININA , sorry kalau aku berkepit je dgn diaa . Sorry sgt sgt . Tpi best dpt tgk korang kumpul ramai ramai ^^ Smalam mmg terkejut gila sbb aku , mira fana  , aimi , mira syahindah , ainin & jannah pkai baju wrna purple :D Samaaa . Ika pakai baju wrna pink tapi kire boleh msuk dgn purple jugak lah HAHA maluu tapi kelakar :D Kita mmg ada chemistry betul nuna nina tk sama tapi tetap our bestfriend :p Sayang semuaaa

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

Monday, August 22, 2011

No more ^^

Bak kata Guaa Mierra , dah Merdeka HALF ! ^^ hehe . Habis dah trial but PMR ada lagi . Okay , aku tahu tak patut seronok seronok lagi sebab result pun entah macam mana rupaaa :O Sn & Kh sumpah susahhhh ! Nak menangis rasa . Dah ketuk ketuk kepala tapi still tak keluar jwapan . haihh HAHA . okaylah . Gtg , nak prgi buka puasa dgn Sitikaimirainina , Gurls 3 Adil & my HAHA . malam nanti aku edit sikit gambar gambar , nanti aku upload-kan :) Byebye

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

You know what's scary?

I think I’ll never find someone like you again. 

You know what’s great? 

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

Sunday, August 21, 2011


OKAY , aku dh lama tak story apa apa . Aku adaa yg baru . Wahhh , comel gitu :p Sayang dia hehe . ngade ==’  Btw , bnyak gila prob HAHA smpai tak boleh nak crita . nasib nasib . setiap tahun ada je  org bnci n musuh dtg&prgi . Yg prgi tu bagus lah thanks sgt sgt ^^ but yg baru dtg uh , hmm sorry . Please lah jangan marah marah n gaduh . Dah la bulan puasa . Nk PMR pulak tu . Aku mntak maaf klau ada buat salah k ? Emm sedar sedar , esok dah last day trial HAHA senyap je aku nii . esok paper KH , Sn 1 & Sn 2 n then habiss Trial . Cuti Sabtu & Ahad ni aku tk sntuh buku pun . baguss tak calon 8A ni ? Hehe . Bukak buku m/s 1-3 terus tutup sbb tertidur . Haha sooo good , rite ? :D Haha , aku selalu tertidur . Kesian b saya yeee Hehe , apa lah aku ni . Tk nk tidur tapi tertidur . Tk ngantuk tapi tertidur . okay lahh . Mau study smentara tak msg b aku yg g terawih tibe tibe . Haha bagus , dia dah insaf lahh tu :p Haha hope tak terlambat nak study ^^

Doakan aku tak tertidur malam ni & doakan aku supaya dapat jwb periksa esok ye :)
Goodluck untuk yg lain jugeee

-Vanilla Cupcake ♥

Friday, August 19, 2011

Most girls would love to hear this from the guy she likes.

  • ·         *Boy and Girl are walking around the mall*
    ·         Girl: Hey, do you think that girl is pretty? I do! *Points out pretty girl*
    ·         Boy: She’s alright.
    ·         Girl: Oh… Okay, how about that one? Shes really pretty! *Points out another girl*
    ·         Boy: Haha, that girl’s not pretty or ugly. She’s average.
    ·         Girl: Oh… you have really high standards.
    ·         Boy: I guess you can say that.
    ·         Girl: Okay, fine. Once you see one, point her out!
    ·         Boy: Haha, alright.
    ·         *Boy and Girl walk around some more*
    ·         Boy: OH! I found one!
    ·         Girl: Really?! Where?!
    ·         *Boy puts arm around Girl’s shoulder*
    ·         Boy: Right here.

Sunday, August 07, 2011

YES -because I'm stupid-

I’m really, very foolish
I know of no one other than you
You’re looking at someone else
Yet you have no idea of my feelings like this

I won’t be in your days
I won’t be in the memories either, however
Only you, I looked only at you
And the tears keep coming

As I watch you walking past, I’m still happy
Even though you still don’t know my heart
I should stop this and go

I really want to see the day
I’m withstanding the pain each day
“I love you” is playing on my lips
Alone once again, crying for you
Alone once again, missing for you
Baby, I love you, I’m waiting for you

I won’t be in your days
I won’t be remembered either, however
Only you, I looked only at you
I’m making memories alone

Loving you is like having a beautiful wound
I look at your pretty smile also
But I cannot laugh with you

I’m thinking about you so much everyday
My heart is hurting in all these sad days
“I want to see you” is playing on my lips
Alone once again, crying for you
Alone once again, missing for you
Baby, i’m waiting for you, I love you

Bye bye, never say goodbye
Even though I cannot hold you like this
I need you, I cannot say anything more, I want you
I keep on hoping too, I’ll keep hoping….

I really want to see the day
I’m withstanding the pain each day
“I love you” is playing on my lips
Alone once again, crying for you

I’m thinking about you so much everyday
My heart is hurting in all these sad days
“I want to see you” is playing on my lips
Alone once again, crying for you
Alone once again, missing for you
Baby, I’m waiting for you, I love you